
Customized Training - Discounts and vouchers available for qualified training. Invest in your team's growth and save your budget! Funding to offset the costs for non-credit workforce training for area businesses is through a grant from the Illinois Community College Board. Kankakee Community College Continuing Education & Business Partnerships, Behind Every Employer Illinois, Powered by ICCB.
Start your IT career - CompTIA® Authorized Partner - CompTIA ITF+ & CompTIA A+ Academic Partner - Classes start soon — Learn more! (KCC - Continuing Education & Career Services.)
See what's offered for Winter/Spring 2024.
Kankakee Community College Lifelong Learning Institute. Curiosity never retires! Classes for active people ages 50 and better. See what's offered for Fall 2024, Register Now!
You don't need a classroom to gain new skills.
Learn It Today. Use It Tomorrow.

Learn It Today. Use It Tomorrow.


KCC is a lovely place. (It’s) so clean and staff is so cheerful and helpful! My instructor for this course was very warm, sincere and encouraging, as well as knowledgeable and empowering to the students.

 - Ruth Kamen RN

KCC's campus is always a great place for training and workshops. Clean, comfortable, peaceful. Thanks for everything you provide for the community.

 - Matt Hedding-Hess

Become an Instructor

Continuing Education instructors provide excellent teaching and learning opportunities for the community. KCC’s Continuing Education & Business Partnerships Office continues to search for competent instructors wanting to teach short-term professional seminars and community education workshops, day or evening and on-campus or virtual.

You can make a difference in helping fulfill the lifelong learning needs of our community.

Do you have a special skill or talent that you would like to share with the community?

If you have an area of expertise and a true dedication and love for teaching, please complete the form and submit it. If your course is determined to fit our current needs, we will contact you to discuss the next steps in hiring you and scheduling the class.

Gina Greene, EdD


Erica Billington


Jamie Posing
Administrative Assistant
