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Career Advancement • Skill Building • Personal Growth

8 people in the KCC courtyard

Above: Lifelong Learning Institute - Curiosity Never Retires.

What We Offer

3 professionals in front of a colorful background

Professional Development

Advance your career, earn professional development units, and learn from expert instructors—without the hassle of city travel.

Find the right training

4 people at an LLI event

Personal Enrichment

Develop a hobby, meet people with similar interests, and explore the latest trends. You'll have a good time!

Choose your classes

Young person using a laptop

Online Learning

The options are endless! Enhance your career skills, earn CEUs for continuing education, develop new hobbies, or improve your overall well-being.


KCC is a lovely place. (It’s) so clean and staff is so cheerful and helpful! My instructor for this course was very warm, sincere and encouraging, as well as knowledgeable and empowering to the students.

 - Ruth Kamen RN

KCC's campus is always a great place for training and workshops. Clean, comfortable, peaceful. Thanks for everything you provide for the community.

 - Matt Hedding-Hess

Register using links here, or contact our office.

Contact Us

Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.