Materials are available to current faculty, students and staff, residents of KCC District 520 (with a valid ID card) and affiliated borrowers. Patrons should never allow someone else to use their ID card. The owner of the ID card is responsible for all materials borrowed against it.
Check-out Periods
Most books can be checked out for four weeks to students, staff and non-students; and for 16 weeks to faculty, unless otherwise noted. Generally all materials other than books and CDs are for use in the library only. Materials should be returned to the circulation desk during library hours. When the library is closed, return materials in the book drop located next to the library entrance.
Renewing Materials
Books are permitted one renewal, providing the item has not been recalled for use by another patron. Patrons may renew materials by bringing the item(s) to the circulation desk or by renewing in KCC’s Primo catalog.
Fines and Fees
Miner Memorial Library is a fine-free library. This means that there is no daily charge for overdue items, with the exception of some high-demand equipment and technology, such as laptops.
Overdue notices will be sent for late materials. If a patron does not return items in a timely manner, he or she will be billed $75 for the replacement cost of the book. If items are damaged when returned, the patron will be billed for repairs or replacement. Borrowing privileges will be suspended for patrons who have been billed until the book is returned or the fee is paid.
Suspended privileges will prevent you from borrowing or requesting materials from the library as well as any other I-Share member library. You may also be prevented from registering for classes, obtaining grades or transcripts, and/or graduating from KCC.
A current KCC photo ID card is required to check out books and other materials. The barcode number on the card is used as a password for some electronic resources and web resources available off campus.
For more information see ID cards.
Card Fees
Any resident of the Kankakee Community College District 520 may obtain a library card at a cost of $5.00 with proof of residence and a state ID. Cards are valid for two years.
KCC students, faculty and staff members with current, valid KCC ID cards are eligible to borrow items from I-Share, a combined catalog of the items of over 80 academic libraries in the state of Illinois. The library user should search for the item in the KCC Primo Catalog and use the ‘Request’ option, which automatically routes the request to library staff.
If an item is unavailable from KCC or from any of the I-Share libraries, current KCC students, faculty and staff may submit an interlibrary loan request. Please check KCC’s Primo Catalog before placing requests.
Fees and Restrictions
Requests take 4 to 10 days to be filled, but may take longer for uncommon items. Patrons are limited to five item requests and five article requests at a time. Every effort is made to obtain materials free of charge. If obtaining the item would incur a service fee (usually $10 to $20) please indicate in your request the amount you would be willing to pay. Any fees associated with lost and/or damaged books and overdue or replacement fines will be passed directly to the borrowing patron.
Books are usually available for loan from other libraries. Certain types of materials may not be available such as reference materials, rare and special collections, entire volumes/issues of periodicals, A/V materials, and fiction items published less than four months ago.
Book Requests
Patrons should first search WorldCat (contact the library for the password) and look for an ‘ILL’ option to request the item. This will automatically route the request to library staff. If the option is unavailable, send an email to bcastillo@kcc.edu, including the exact book title and author; the year of publication and ISBN number; your first and last name; your KCC ID barcode number; and a telephone number or email address. Telephone requests are not accepted.
Article Requests
Patrons should first search KCC’s online databases to ensure that access is not already available. If the article is unavailable, please submit a request using the following form.
Pick-up and Return
Patrons will be notified by email or phone when the item has arrived. Materials are available for pick up at the circulation desk with a valid KCC ID card. Unclaimed books will be returned to the lending library two weeks after date of receipt. Unclaimed photocopies will be discarded after 30 days.
Materials are generally loaned for four weeks, but some libraries have shorter loan periods. As a borrower, you are subject to the lending library’s fines and policies on overdue materials. Failure to comply may result in suspension of borrowing privileges.
Materials may be returned to the circulation desk or the library book drop.
Requests for renewal may be brought to the circulation desk, or emailed to bcastillo@kcc.edu at least three days before the due date. The lending library will be contacted to request a renewal.
The Miner Memorial Library offers tours and library instruction that can be tailored to specific needs.
Community Members
Tours are available for community groups or individuals not affiliated with KCC. Arrangements for all tours must be made a minimum of seven days in advance and are subject to staff availability. To arrange for a tour of the Miner Memorial Library, contact Tracy Conner at 815-802-8403 or tconner@kcc.edu.
KCC professors may request library orientation sessions and specialized instruction on using library resources for their classes. These sessions can be tailored to specific needs of the class or specific assignments. Requests should be made as far in advance as possible, preferably no later than one week before the session.
The acquisition of materials for the Harold & Jean Miner Memorial Library is a responsibility shared between the faculty and the library staff. Faculty members are responsible for insuring that pertinent materials are acquired for students. Library staff is responsible for insuring that the library collection is well balanced, relevant to the curriculum, and up-to-date in usefulness for students’ and faculty members’ needs.
New Materials
Suggestions for new materials may be submitted at any time. Bibliographies, published reviews, professional journal citations, as well as faculty suggestions are included in the selection process.
Areas of Instruction
Once every five years, prior to program review, the library staff members focus on each area of instruction. Annually, faculty members in twelve areas of instruction are contacted to assist in reviewing unused, worn or dated material and in selecting new materials. Current syllabi and research assignments in courses are also used in the materials selection process.
Suggestions for additions and deletions to the periodical collection are requested of faculty each spring. Copies of the library list of periodicals may be searched through the KCC Primo Catalog.
Non-Print Materials
Non-print materials, in particular DVD/video cassette recordings, must first be requested for preview. Timelines and procedures are detailed on the form.
Since the entire process can take up to four months, this schedule must be followed when ordering a video/DVD. To order items for use during the spring semester, submit orders in August or September. To order items for use during the fall semester, submit orders in January or February. Preview ordering ends in March in order to complete all previews and returns prior to May finals.
Laptops, mini-recorders and calculators are available to loan to KCC staff, students, and TRIO students.
ID Card Required
KCC employees and students must show their current, valid KCC ID card. The TRIO students’ ID card must have a current TRIO sticker. A copy of the equipment user agreement must be completed for each check out. The checkout period is one week, with one renewal permitted, provided there is no one on the waiting list.
Waiting List
TRIO students and KCC employees and students may put their name on a waiting list to be notified when a laptop, mini-recorder or calculator is available. When staff or students are called, the equipment will be held in reserve for them for 24 hours.
Equipment Inspection
The circulation staff, in the presence of the patron, will inspect all components when the laptop, mini-recorder or calculator is checked out and checked in. The student or staff member must personally return the items to the circulation desk. Students’ failure to return equipment will result in a suspension of their KCC student account, prohibiting them from receiving grades or transcripts and from registering for classes.
The overdue fine for equipment is $10 per day. The student will be charged no less than $2,000 for the loss or theft of a laptop. Replacement or repair cost varies for each component. The replacement cost for a mini-recorder will be no less than $50 and a calculator no less than $80, plus the accrued fines.
Only the components checked out with a laptop may be used with that computer; other hardware is not allowed. Only the software pre-installed by KCC may be used on each computer; other software is not allowed.
Students must save their files or documents to their own disks or a flash drive. Disks and flash drives are not provided by the library, but can be purchased in the college bookstore. Files saved onto the laptop’s hard drive may be removed after the computer is checked in.
The Miner Memorial Library display cases are available to individuals or organizations to showcase non-commercial exhibits that are educational, cultural, civic, artistic or informative in nature and of general or specific interest.
Organizations may wish to showcase their activities, history and projects. Instructors may request space for an interesting class project.
Individuals might display memorabilia from a hobby or an educational trip.
Especially encouraged are displays highlighting the work or talents of KCC students, staff and faculty, and displays that incorporate items from the library collection, such as books and videos.
The priority of display case scheduling is as follows:
- Library displays and displays created by the library staff
- KCC-affiliated organizations and classes
- KCC-affiliated individuals
- others
If the theme of the display deals with a political, social or controversial issue, the display should provide impartial information stating the facts of the situation. Library staff reserves the right to judge the appropriateness of any items displayed and to remove the display or any item deemed inappropriate. Acceptance of a display request does not constitute endorsement of a group or individual or their views.
The library technician will schedule and coordinate the display cases. The cases will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis. Reservations must be made one month in advance, and may be made up to one year in advance. Cases must be reserved for at least one week, preferably for one month.
Sizes and Locations
The library has four cube display cases in the atrium area, 29” by 29” x 18”.
Preparing a Display
Items may be dropped off at the library for the library staff to display. The individual or group may make arrangements to set up their own display by contacting the library technician. If the group or individual does not have its display materials to the library by the third day of its reservation, the space will be forfeited for other usage. Arrangements should be made to pick up materials within one week of the agreed-upon end date of the exhibit. If not picked up within one week, items become property of the library and may be disposed of at the discretion of library staff.
While the library avoids cancelling or suspending displays, the library reserves the right to do so if facilities are needed for library purposes, or for other unforeseen circumstances. Every effort will be made to give as much advance notice as possible and to try to schedule an alternate date. Exhibitors who must cancel a display are encouraged to notify the library as soon as possible.
Contents of the display cases are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. We will be as considerate of your materials as we are of all materials in the library. The library is not responsible for breakage and damage to materials, or loss or theft of materials, either while they are on display or while they are being installed or removed. Each display case has a lock to secure items.
Failure to adhere to the display case policy may result in denial of future privilege.
Request a Display Case
To request a display case, contact Brandi Castillo at 815-802-8408 or bcastillo@kcc.edu. Include the name of the individual or organization, a description of the display, and a name, phone number and email of an individual to serve as the contact person for scheduling the length of the display, drop-off and pick-up of materials, and to answer any questions staff may have about the exhibit.
The Miner Memorial Library will accept gifts without obligation to the donor. Gifts are subject to the same criteria as other acquisitions, including condition of the item, as well as its currency and relevance to the library collection and KCC curriculum.
The donor must be willing to accept the judgment of the library director to utilize the gift as appropriate.
View the college copyright policy here.